Innovatsion pedagogik texnologiyalar, innovatsiya, yangi pedagogik dars usullariAbstract
Ushbu maqolada innovatsion pedagogik texnologiyalar va ulardan ta’limda samarali, bosqichma-bosqich foydalanish, pedagogik texnologiyalarning ta’lim va tarbiya jarayonidagi ahamiyati haqida fikrlar yuritilgan.
Khodjamkulov, U., Botirova, S., Shofkorov, A., & Abdirimova, I. (2020). Bases of Organizing Cooperation between Educational Institutions through Clusters (on the Example of the Education System of Uzbekistan). Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(12), 166-169.
Khodjamkulov, U., Makhmudov, K., & Shofkorov, A. (2020). The Issue of Spiritual and Patriotic Education of Young Generation in the Scientific, Political and Literary Heritage of Central Asian Thinkers. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(05), 6694-6701.
Kholikova, N. (2020). Poetic Features of Uzbek Poetry of the National Awakening Period. Theoretical & Applied Science, (4), 615-623.
Makhmudov, K. (2020). Ways of Forming Intercultural Communication in Foreign Language Teaching. Science and Education, 1(4), 84-89.
Mukhamedov, G., Khodjamkulov, U., Shofkorov, A., & Makhmudov, K. (2020). Pedagogical Education Cluster: Content and Form. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 1(81), 250-257.
Rahmatilla, N. (2020). Abdulla Oripov dostonlarida milliy qadriyatlar talqini. Til va adabiyot ta'limi, (7), 60-61.
Sergeyeva, E. (2020). Artistic Identity of L. Solovyov’s Novel “The Tale of Khodzha Nasreddin”. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8(6).
Shaykhislamov, N. (2020). Main Directions and Interactive Methods of Student Speech Growth in Uzbek Language Classes. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8(7), 115-120.