
  • Usarov Jabbor Eshbekovich p.f.d. (DSc) Chirchiq davlat pedagogika instituti Pedagogika fakulteti decani,usarov.jabbor@gmail.com.
  • Turakulov Bo‘ri Norboevich Chirchiq davlat pedagogika instituti Pedagogika fakulteti katta o‘qituvchisi, turakulov.buri@gmail.com
  • Gayupova Saodat Chirchiq davlat pedagogika instituti Pedagogika fakulteti magistri, gauypova.saodat@gmail.com


Personality, emotional intelligence, general intelligence, self-esteem, control of emotions, emotions of others, emotional competence, empathy, disappointment, personal skills, interpersonal relationships


The article discusses the history and justification of the concept of emotional intelligence. The article also discusses various topics related to the concept of emotional intelligence, the structure of emotional intelligence, the development of emotional intelligence and personality, the conditions for the development of emotional intelligence, the relationship of general intellectual and emotional intelligence and emotional competence


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How to Cite

Usarov Jabbor Eshbekovich, Turakulov Bo‘ri Norboevich, & Gayupova Saodat. (2020). HISTORY AND FOUNDATION OF THE CONCEPT OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. INTEGRATION OF SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND PRACTICE. SCIENTIFIC-METHODICAL JOURNAL, 1(1), 119–125. Retrieved from https://bilig.academiascience.org/index.php/isepsmj/article/view/17